Sunday, October 26, 2008
Old Time Hockey...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Artist Spotlight: Clouds

by Matt Brown
To open up the new year of the Student Voice’s Local Spotlight, I recently sat down with the band Clouds. Bassist John Northrup and drummer Michael Quartulli, otherwise known as Q, discussed their new record, their sound, their future, and they also managed to fit in some politics.
Your sound is not generic rock, how would you describe your sound? Would you call yourselves "radio friendly"?
Johnny: We've been described as "The worst doom-pop crap I've ever heard", "…will only really appeal to greasy middle aged virgins who still live at home", and "Hard to listen to and even harder to like."
Q: Any time someone asks what our band sounds like I say the same thing, Loud Rock ’n Roll. That's all it is. We just play rock ’n roll the way we play rock ’n roll. It’s not like we go to practice thinking we have to sound a certain way, which is what I love about this band. We play lots of different styles, but they are all Clouds. We try not to pigeon hole ourselves.
How is the new record “We Are Above You” doing?
Q: Well the new record is out there. Some people love it, some people hate it. The people that hate it seem to hate that we don't stick to one particular genre, which is fine by me. I don't play music so some dude in his grandma's basement will like it. I play music because that's what I love to do. I think we have a good combination of creative forces and we get what we get out of it. I'm proud of our record and can't wait to record more.
What are some of the goals of the band? Is a major, or near-major, label a must for you to accomplish what you have set out to do?
Johnny: Our goals include missing holidays and major events in the lives of loved ones while touring, plunging further into unassailable debt, and not growing up and becoming real people for as long as possible. So far, so good.
Q: Personally, my goal with this band is to play the music that we all want to play and have fun doing it. As far as major labels go, it's something I've never experienced. (Guitarist and singer) Adam McGrath has. He has his horror stories. I certainly don't want to be on a label that doesn't care about our music and only cares about making their tight white asses richer, only to sh*t us out when they realize we can't make them any money. We have a great label now, Hydra Head, that does care about our music and let's us play music the way we want. They have been nothing but generous to us and I appreciate that greatly.
What are some other bands you listening to right now?
Johnny: I just listen to my own songs. Not even Clouds. My solo stuff that no one will ever hear. I'm like Prince, only infinitely less talented and successful. Taller, though.
Q: Brian Eno, Jimi Hendrix, Pink Floyd, Ray Charles, The Melvins, Billy Bragg and Micah Blue Smaldone.
What can people expect from a Clouds live show? And what local venue do you like playing best?
Johnny: Four handsome, acrobatic gentleman prancing about on stage in front of big, loud amps, and engaging the huge, huge, humungous, appreciative audience of attractive young men and even more attractive young women with our unique brand of what could only be described as off-key caterwauling.
Q: Whether its playing to hundreds of people or playing to the other bands on the bill, we try to play our best. Someone there paid money to see a show so we might as well do our best to give them one. And when there aren't many people there, that’s when we usually break out the covers.
Johnny: I like playing the Middle East Downstairs because the people that work there are awesome. Sound guys, bartenders and bouncers are all cool. We get major drink tickets there!
What is in the near future for Clouds? Recording, touring, or side projects?
Johnny: By the time you read this, we will be on tour with Torche. We will also have just recorded a 4 song EP. As far as side projects go, we are Adam's side project. It says so in all our press releases.
Q: “We Are Above You” is coming out on vinyl. Its the full album on one piece of wax and bonus piece of wax with 4 covers on it. There are two Guided By Voices songs, a Blue Oyster Cult song and a Kinks song. How convenient for us to have this come out just before we head out on a
Anything else you'd like to add?
Johnny: If I could just take a minute to address the fine folks in your scholastic institution for a moment with this advice: Vote, dumbasses. Yeah, I know how the electoral college works and yeah, your vote doesn't actually count for much when its all said and done. However, it's your ticket to the 'Complain Game' when things don't go right. Your complaining just sounds like whining if you don't at least participate in the process. Specifically, vote for Obama. Hopefully he'll give us less to complain about than the other guy.
Check out Clouds’ EP “Legendary Demo” and their new full-length record “We Are Above You”. Both are out now on Hydra Head Records.
Monday, October 6, 2008
I Got The Spirit....
One of the movies I remember seeing a preview for a long time ago was "Trick 'r Treat". The movie is finished, but Warner Bros. dropped the film and now it has to find a studio to distribute it. It's hard to think that with the new "True Blood" series on HBO that an Ana Paquin movie can't get picked up. And the fat kid from "Bad Santa" is there to boot!
The film is no Oscar material or anything, but here's the trailer for a film you'll probably never see.