Monday, May 18, 2009

Final Post...


I have moved to With Cruel Intent. See you there!

In A Class Of Its Own...

"Juno and the Paycock" by Sean O'Casey

"One that says all is God an’ no man; an’ th’ other that says all is man an’ no God!"

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Passing Thought...

"We were two simplistic children"
Wood rotted
Phantoms and dragoons
Snow in summer-fall in May
"Well," said George, "you better not think about it."

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Awaiting Your Viewing Pleasure...

As one half of the new Student Voice editors-in-chief, I have decided to bring the Worcester State College Newspaper to the internet superhighway! The site will offer all articles for each issue (organization pending). For now, preview the site here: The Student Voice Online