Here are 25 magical things that might interest you about M.R. & Ana:
1. Ana is Vin Diesel and I am Paul Walker.
2. Our cars are named Montana and Toya. Montana is fatter than Toya.
3. We technically could have the same last name. I kind of wish we did...
4. We share a mutual adoration for Ethan Embry.
5. Ana gets drunk much faster than I do.
6. If we could take one drug: V
7. Bourdain, Lost and True Blood are OUR shows, goddammit.
8. I sweat in my sleep...because Ana runs HOT when she sleeps next to me.
9. We both secretly love seeing Morrissey rip his shirt. Only Ana has witnesses such miracles.
10. We have matching Milan Lucic t-shirts. Mines a M and hers is a S...hers is large on her.
11. Naked children's photos of one another are as good as ones now.
12. We thoroughly enjoy cooking together.
13. Our first joint purchase was Anthony Bourdain's Les-Halles Cookbook.
14. Together we have an extensive record and book collection.
15. The only room I get to design in our apartment would be the bathroom...
16. We both "work" on the newspaper. Ana has yet to write an article in one year's time.
17. We both enjoy the sweet melodies of music but have never frequented a concert together yet...but we've seen countless movies.
18. We stay in and watch movies more than we go out. Ana hates sunlight.
19. Ana is "goober" and I is "bear".
20. The only person to take a photo of us together in the same place is Ana, herself.
21. We have been on one double date. It was to the Olive Garden...and we shared the salad.
22. We are both poor. See above.
23. We both love the ocean.
24. We both have 3/4 sleeve tattoos and anchor tattoos. Mine is prettier.
25. Our asses are something to write home about.
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