Saturday, April 4, 2009

Saving Trees...

"The New York Times Co. has threatened to shut The Boston Globe unless the newspaper's unions swiftly agree to $20 million in concessions, union leaders said yesterday" (Boston Globe).

Besides the mass layoffs that would need to occur, as well as the ending of pensions and drastic cutting of pay, the end of The Boston Globe ends a literary history in the city. The paper was an identity for Bostonians. It was an outlet for our sports as well as our news. No longer can you grab the Globe to take on the T to pass time. The newspaper industry used to be one of the most lucrative industries in the country and it gives prospective to see it finally become obsolete.

Does a writer for an online newspaper carry as much credential as a writer for a published paper? One can now argue that an online reporter's words are not as worthy to pay to publish as a paper reporter's.

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